What Are The Best Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids (sometimes called piles) are a common condition that affects many people around the world. It is a condition in which the veins in the anus and rectum become swollen and inflamed, causing pain and discomfort. Hemorrhoids go away within a few weeks with minimal natural remedies and care. But sometimes they need medical intervention to control the pain and discomfort caused by swollen veins and bleeding.

Hemorrhoids can be internal in the rectum or external on the outer skin of the anus. Internal hemorrhoids can’t be seen or felt due to their location. But external hemorrhoids can be treated with creams and ointments.

Typical-size hemorrhoids take 1-2 weeks in healing. But those with blood clots could take 3-4 weeks or sometimes longer to go away. Also, they could leave a scar due to tissue damage on the outer skin.

You should see a doctor if the condition persists even after a couple of weeks or if symptoms worsen. For treatment, you can rely on home remedies like soothing wipes and creams, but it is always better to see a doctor to prevent the problem from aggravating.

Controlling Hemorrhoids With Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Start home treatment as soon as you identify the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Early intervention can prevent the problem from getting irritated or inflamed. Luckily there are many home remedies available for hemorrhoids. Also, it is better to couple a home treatment option with an OTC hemorrhoid cream that can provide quick and long-lasting relief from the pain and suffering.

First, you should buy some soothing wipes to replace them with regular toilet paper. You need a moistened paper to use after a bowel movement. Regular toilet paper can irritate the hemorrhoids but moistened wipes will be soft on the swollen veins.

Also, you can buy wipes with anti-hemorrhoid ingredients like aloe vera gel and witch hazel. But you should avoid papers that contain fragrance, alcohol, or any other irritant. Chemicals can worsen the hemorrhoids symptoms.

Loose Cotton Clothing

Loose Cotton Clothing

Keep the anal area clean and dry with polyester clothes with breathable cotton. It is necessary to reduce the risk of infection in open sores, or damaged tissues on the skin. Again you should be careful to not use perfumed detergents or fabric softeners to wash the cotton clothes.

Cold Compress Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Cold Compress Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Cold compress with ice packs could be quite helpful in soothing large and painful hemorrhoids. Buy an ice pack for cold compress treatment daily for 15 minutes. It will help relieve the swelling and pain associated with the inflammation.

Precaution: Avoid applying ice directly to the affected skin as it could do more harm than good. Whenever you do a cold compress, you should cover the ice cubes in a cloth or paper towel to reduce the intensity of the ice.

Warm Bath With Epsom Salt

Warm Bath With Epsom Salt

Try a warm bath after every bowel movement. Buy a plastic tub that fits over your toilet seat to immerse the anal area in warm water. Also, you can add Epsom salt to the warm water for added benefits. It will provide further relief from the swelling and associated pain.

Take a warm bath with Epsom salt after each bowel movement for 20 minutes. This therapy will prove to be quite effective in controlling painful symptoms and infection from open sores.

Witch Hazel Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Witch Hazel For Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Itching and pain are the two most discomforting symptoms of external hemorrhoids. While cleaning the affected area and keeping it dry can help reduce the symptoms, you need a natural anti-inflammatory agent like witch hazel which can soothe the irritated skin. It can reduce swelling and associated symptoms.

Witch hazel is available in liquid form for direct application on external hemorrhoids. Also, you can buy products like anti-itch wipes and soaps that contain witch hazel.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is said to be quite effective in treating hemorrhoids but there is little clinical evidence to prove that it is helpful in hemorrhoids treatment. But there is some truth as aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties that can help control swelling and the associated pain.

How To:

  • Take pure aloe vera gel in your hand
  • Apply it all over the affected area
  • Leave it for 24 to 48 hours
  • If no side effect occurs, it is safe to use

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling of the veins. Also, it can soothe painful symptoms associated with swelling with its analgesic properties. Another advantage of coconut oil is its antibacterial nature which can accelerate the healing process of open sores and irritated skin. The laxative effect of coconut oil can ease out the bowel movement which will further bring relief from the painful symptoms.

For hemorrhoid treatment, you can consume coconut oil with food or apply it directly over the affected area. For topical application, you can use a cotton ball or add a few drops of coconut oil to water.

Tea Tree Oil Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Tea Tree Oil For Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Tea tree oil can help relieve the symptoms including itching and pain due to its antiseptic properties. It can also prevent the development of bacteria responsible for spreading infection. But there is little evidence to support the claim.

In 2012, a 2-week hemorrhoid treatment combining tea tree oil, hyaluronic acid, and methyl-sulfonyl-methane gave excellent results. The patients who received the treatment reported reduced pain, blooding, and inflammation.

If you want to use tea tree oil for hemorrhoid treatment, you should use it in combination with other home remedies like witch hazel.

OTC Ointments

OTC Ointments Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

You can easily find many OTC creams like Preparation H or an ointment with hydrocortisone at any drugstore or website. These ointments can help relieve painful symptoms but you shouldn’t continue these creams for long. If the problem persists even after a week of using an OTC ointment, you should see a doctor.

Stool Softeners

Stool Softeners

Products like psyllium can soften your stool for quick and painless bowel movements. These products are available in powder, capsule, and liquid forms.


Hemorrhoid home treatment focuses on controlling the symptoms and preventing the infection. It works well on mild hemorrhoids. But it is advisable to take medical advice during hemorrhoids.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only and the readers are advised to consult their doctors before starting any treatment.

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