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Intermittent Fasting: Benefits & Function

Intermittent fasting has gained significant attention recently as a widespread dietary practice with numerous potential health benefits. This article delves into the origins of intermittent fasting, explores its relevance in modern society, and examines its remarkable effects on the human body.

There are many ways to do intermediate fasting, first of all, it is very important to take care of the fasting time because when you do intermittent fasting, the first rule of your fasting is to put restrictions on the time of eating.

Intermittent Fasting

You have to set a proper time for your meals in which you can get the amount of food that your body needs in good quantity. The time between when you eat and rest also determines how much you are eating and how much you are working so that the unnecessary fat present in your body starts depleting.

The Origins of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting traces its roots back to ancient times when our ancestors had to endure periods of scarcity and feast. Historically, fasting has been practiced for cultural, religious, and spiritual reasons. It has been observed in various cultures, including Ancient Greece, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism, with unique fasting traditions.

The Relevance of Intermittent Fasting in Modern Society

In today’s fast-paced world, where obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders are prevalent, intermittent fasting has gained scientific interest for its potential to combat these health challenges. In addition, its simplicity, flexibility, and adaptability to different lifestyles make it a practical dietary approach for many individuals seeking improved health and weight management.

How Intermittent Fasting Works in the Body

Intermittent fasting operates by imposing periods of fasting and feeding, influencing several physiological processes that benefit the body. During fasting, the body exhausts its glycogen stores and shifts into ketosis, utilizing stored fat for energy. This promotes fat burning and may contribute to weight loss.

Additionally, intermittent fasting promotes autophagy, which breaks down and recycles damaged cells and cellular components. Autophagy plays a crucial role in cellular rejuvenation, toxins removal, and optimal cellular function.

Furthermore, intermittent fasting improves insulin sensitivity, helping regulate blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. It also promotes the production of human growth hormone (HGH), which aids in muscle growth, fat-burning, and overall metabolic health.

Additional Benefits and Considerations

Besides weight management, metabolic health, and cellular rejuvenation, fasting has several other benefits. These include improved cognitive function, increased longevity, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cardiovascular health. However, it is essential to note that individual results may vary, and intermittent fasting might not be suitable for everyone, especially those with specific health conditions or nutritional needs. Therefore, consulting a healthcare professional before starting an intermittent fasting regimen is advisable.

Changes the functions of hormone, cells, and genes

When you do not eat for some time, many effects do in your body.

For case, your body changes chemical situations to make put down muscle versus fat more available and starts significant cell fix processes.

They are a portion of the progressions … See More

14 Best Food Recipes To Try In Summer

Summer is the most difficult time for moms who want to serve delicious meals to their families. For summer, you need best food recipes that are both quick and tasty. When you cook food, you want to make it nutritious so your family members get all the essential nutrients. But summer heat can spoil your dinner plans.

Best India Food Recipes

In summer, you should eat food that is easy to digest and keeps you hydrated all day. Luckily there are many recipes that you can cook and serve in the summer months. These are home-cooked best food recipes for which you only need basic training in cooking.

Here’re some delicacies & best food recipes you should try in summer

Vegetarian Dishes

Dum Aloo Lakhnavi Recipe

Dum Aloo Lakhnavi Recipe

Dum Aloo Lakhnavi is a vegetarian dish more popular in northern India. It consists of baby potatoes simmered in flavorful tomato-based gravy, spiced with a variety of aromatic spices. These fried potatoes stuffed with mashed cheese are often served with naan bread or steamed rice.

Dum Paneer Kali Mirch

Dum Paneer Kali Mirch is a North Indian dish made with paneer. And this creamy best food recipes includes aromatic gravy flavored with black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, and fried onions. The dish is slow-cooked to allow the flavors to infuse, resulting in a rich and creamy texture that pairs well with naan bread or steamed rice.

Makhmali Kofte

Makhmali Kofte

The name “makhmali” means velvety, which describes the smooth and soft texture of the gray. The dish is often enjoyed with naan bread or rice and is a favorite for special occasions and celebrations. If you are hosting a dinner on a hot summer evening, you can choose to cook makhmali kofte.

Dal Makhani

Dal Makhni is a popular Punjabi dish made with black lentils, kidney beans, and a variety of aromatic spices. It is cooked on low heat for several hours, resulting in a rich and creamy texture that is perfect for scooping up with naan bread or rice. The dish is often garnished with cream and coriander and is loved by many for its unique and delicious taste.

Ajawaini Paneer Kofta Curry

Ajawaini Paneer Kofta Curry

Ajwaini Paneer Kofta Curry is a North Indian dish made with paneer koftas in spicy and aromatic gravy flavored with ajwain and a variety of other spices. The dish is best served with naan bread or rice and is a popular vegetarian option. It has a unique and delicious taste that is loved by many.

Aloo Vindaloo

Aloo Vindaloo is a popular Indian dish that originated in the state of Goa. It is made with potatoes cooked in a tangy and spicy tomato-based gravy that is flavored with vinegar, red chili powder, and a variety of other spices. The dish is often served with rice or naan bread and is loved for its unique and delicious taste.

Paneer Kolhapuri

Best Food Recipes Paneer Kolhapuri

Paneer Kolhapuri is a spicy North Indian dish made with paneer in a thick and fiery red gravy. The dish is flavored with a variety of spices … See More

11 Nutrients To Include In Easy Child Meal Plans

A healthy meal plan is essential for child because it provides the necessary nutrients for growth and development, helps to prevent illness and disease, and supports overall well-being.

Children require a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy products to ensure that they are getting the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients they need. Additionally, teaching children about healthy eating habits at a young age can help them establish lifelong habits that will support their health and well-being.

How To Make A Healthy Meal Plan For Your Child?

Healthy Meal Plan For Your Child

One thing that is true about all kids is they are picky eaters. Or it will be more appropriate to say that children are choosey about their food. As a responsible parent, you need to respect their food choice and make sure that they get all essential nutrients. Also, you need to keep things simple so you don’t have any hassle in planning meals for your kid.

First, you should know about healthy food so you can plan healthy meals for your kid. Children also need healthy food but they choose food according to taste. Your knowledge of food could help plan meals that are both healthy and delicious.

What Is A Healthy Meal For Child?

Healthy Meal For Kids

A healthy meal is a food that contains all essential nutrients. Kids must get all nutrients so they reach development milestones on time. But you should also make sure that they like the food. In other words, you need to choose healthy items from their choice of food.

Eating healthy will help in many ways. First, it will help achieve milestones. Second, it will help control their appetite and prevent kids from overeating or skipping their meals. It will be a balanced diet that will prevent kids from many problems like nutritional deficiency and obesity.

Why Kids Are Always Hungry?

Kids can’t suppress hunger pangs. Also, growing kids feel hungry every hour. But it doesn’t mean that you should allow your child to munch on everything they find tasty. Here you need to be choosey. You need to serve them foods that keep them full for a long time.

Another important consideration with kids is the timing of food. You can fix eating time for your child so they don’t feel hungry all time. They will know when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat. They will develop healthy food habits that will provide them with nutrition, suppress hunger pangs, and pamper their taste buds as well.

What Are Important Nutrients For Kids?

Important Nutrients For Kids

The first thing you should know about healthy food is the important nutrients for kids. Once you know the nutrition children need, you will be able to plan healthy meals for your child.

Here I will discuss all important nutrients and their benefits for kids so you have a better understanding of the nutritional demand of your child. You will agree that eating one type of food could make your child deficient in … See More

Top 10 Best Makeup Products In 2023

How do you shop for makeup products? With so many brands and products available on the market, even the most experienced beauticians could find it difficult to choose products. Today you have more choices available and if you are ready to shop around, you can easily spend hours exploring and comparing the options.

Here I’ve done some research on the most popular beauty products and I want to share my research findings with you so you can make a better choice.

Best Makeup Products

Before listing the brands and products I researched, I want to make it clear that my findings depend on the user reviews of those products. Also, I’ve tried to include all the necessary products like foundation, mascara, and lipstick that you could need for your everyday makeup.

Let’s Start with the best makeup products ….

Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation (Armani)

Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation (Armani)

I can’t hold my excitement while describing this product because it is like magic. This foundation cream comes from the brand Armani and this product is rated high in initial reviews by the users. They call it extremely versatile and easy to build up. Also, they appreciate the velvety finish achieved with this foundation. I want every one of my readers to know about this product. Since it comes from Armani, it could cost you dearly but it is worth a high price.

Voluminous Original Mascara (L’Oréal Paris) Are Best Makeup Products

If eye makeup is always a priority then you must know about the latest mascara available in the market. A little mascara on your eyes can improve your look and feel. Also, you can wear mascara even when you are going with minimum makeup. The brand L’Oréal Paris understands your needs and for this reason, they have come up with a product that can make your lashes thicker and lengthier. This product can make your lashes 5x thicker without any clumps. Also, its conditioning ingredients will keep your lashes fresh.

Matte Revolution Lipstick (Charlotte Tilbury)

Matte Revolution Lipstick (Charlotte Tilbury)

I love painting my lips red and sometimes blood red. I have almost every lipstick color available in my vanity box and I keep looking for new products and colors. This matte lipstick has something different that attracted my attention. I found its color pinky nude to be unique. Also, the lipstick formula is quite hydrating due to the richness of vitamin E and necessary oils. I am going to order one lipstick because I need this shade.

Butter Gloss (NYX Best Professional Makeup Products)

This brand has sold over 10 million bottles of this gloss since its launch. It has a non-sticky formula that gives a mirror-like shine. Also, it is available at a bargain price. But in my opinion, the factor that made this product popular is its availability in over two-dozen shades. There are 26 colors available so you can keep your color different from others. And I don’t think that you should give a second thought to this product before buying.

Dab BeachPlease Tinted Lip +

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What Is BRAT Diet And Why Is It Discontinued?

The BRAT diet constitutes Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. It was a staple home remedy used to treat common gut problems like diarrhea and vomiting. But today it is no longer recommended. It isn’t that the BRAT diet had serious consequences but that it lacks the necessary nutrients needed for long-term benefits.


If you want to follow the BRAT diet, you should first know about the process, advantages, and reasons for discontinuing the diet. The BRAT diet is different for kids and adults. Also, you should know that it is a home remedy and you need to visit a doctor, if it doesn’t work.

Let’s discuss about the BRAT Diet ..

BRAT Diet For Kids

BRAT Diet For Kids

Children suffering from diarrhea should be administered ORS until they become stable. Also, avoid giving them liquid foods to help stabilize their condition. Start this diet for two to three days as it isn’t an alternative to healthier food.

  • Coconut water
  • Dry toast
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Mashed potato/sweet potato/banana
  • Rice boiled with lentils
  • Broth/clear soup

Continue the diet for the said period. If the symptoms improve, bring the child back to their normal diet.

BRAT Diet For Adults

BRAT Diet For Adults

First, give your stomach some rest after vomiting or diarrhea. Once you develop liquid tolerance, you can start sipping water, coconut water, apple juice, or broth. Start with small quantities and increase your liquid intake gradually. Continue your BRAT diet for three days and resume your normal diet after you feel comfortable.

First Day: Take only a liquid diet including coconut water, fruit juice, and broth. Continue drinking liquid every two hours until the symptoms improve.

Second Day: Start taking foods from the BRAT diet including bananas, toast, rice, and applesauce.

Third-Day: Resume your normal diet and add more fruits and vegetables to get nutrition.

Why BRAT Diet?

To understand how this diet works, you need to understand the treatment of a stomach bug. When you have diarrhea, the first six hours are crucial for the treatment. You should take rest after diarrhea or vomiting. Also, you should drink liquid like potable water in small amounts to avoid dehydration.

In clear liquid, you can drink apple juice, weak tea, broth, or flat soda. Taking enough liquid will avoid dehydration and allow your stomach to improve. Soon you will start feeling better and you can continue your BRAT diet.

Take the BRAT diet for three days and return to your normal diet after 72 hours. The BRAT diet will improve your gut health.

How Does Bananas, Rice, Applesauce & Toast Diet Work?

Foods included in the BRAT diet are bland. They have low-fiber content that makes them easy to digest. The bland food is easier on the digestive system. It won’t cause any gut irritation and allow your stomach to heal.

Earlier pediatrics used to recommend the BRAT diet to toddlers suffering from tummy problems. The objective of administering bland food to toddlers is to provide them with nutrition while allowing them to heal. Also, they are kept on … See More

10 Best Foundation Brushes To Look For In 2023

What excuse would you give for using your hands for foundation application? You could argue that applying foundation with finger pores or a sponge is easier. But the truth is that you are unable to find the right brush for foundation application. With so many options available in the market, it becomes overwhelming to choose a brush.

Also, there are convincing reasons to use a brush for foundation application. For example, a brush frees your facial skin from natural oils and bacteria on your finger pores. Another convincing reason to use a foundation brush is to give your makeup a professional touch.

Here I’m listing 10 bestselling brushes for foundation application so you can find the right brush

Lazy Perfection by Jenny Patinkin

Lazy Perfection Brush By Jenny Patinkin

This product comes from the celebrity makeup artist-turned-author Jenny Patinkin and the reason for this brush to be on top of the list is its multi-tasking ability. This brush is just perfect for all your makeup products. If you are a beginner, you can buy this brush to take maximum advantage of your investment. Its dense synthetic fibers are designed for the smooth application of foundation and other creams. Also, the synthetic bristles can easily be cleaned for re-application.

EcoTools Wonder Best Foundation Brush

EcoTools Wonder Foundation Brush

Buying a quality brushes could be an expensive affair, especially for budget buyers. But there is little to worry about as there is a brush for every need and pocket. EcoTools Wonder brush is both high-quality and affordable. You can order it from Amazon where you can get more convenient payment options. Its dense synthetic bristles are suitable for both liquid and cream foundations. With this brush, you get medium to full coverage and excellent result within a short time.

Mac 170 Rounded Slant Brush

Mac 170 Rounded Slant Brush

If budget isn’t a concern for you and you are interested in buying a quality product that gives more value for your money then go for Mac 170 Rounded Slant Brush. You will love its soft bristles and the way it works. Since it is a multipurpose product, you can use it for doing complete makeup. Using a foundation brush will enhance your makeup skills and give you the confidence of doing makeup at home. Also, it will reduce your makeup time.

e.l.f. Buffing Foundation Brush

e.l.f. Buffing Foundation Brush

A foundation brush can help keep your skin free from natural oils and bacteria found on finger pores. Also, it will make it easy for you to apply foundation. You won’t have to spoil your hands with makeup products to get ready. A small brush can do this job in a hassle-free manner. The e.l.f. Buffing Foundation Brush is a value product as it works on all foundation formulas. You won’t have to buy a new brush every time you want to try a new foundation formula.

MAKE UP FOR EVER 108 Large Foundation Brush

MAKE UP FOR EVER 108 Large Foundation Brush

I don’t know whether this brush is available in your country but it is one of the best foundation brushes in the market. What I like about … See More

10 Bestselling Beard Growth Oil In 2023

Condition your beard with a specially formulated grooming product developed for keeping facial hair hydrated, conditioned, and healthy. Typically made from a blend of carrier oils like argan oil, jojoba oil, and coconut oil, along with essential oils, beard oil can help reduce itching, promote beard growth, and prevent split ends.

It can also provide a pleasant scent and a shiny, well-groomed appearance. To use, simply pour a few drops of beard oil on your fingertips and massage it into your beard, making sure to distribute the oil evenly throughout. Regular use of beard oil can help keep your beard looking and feeling great.

Here’re the advantages of using beard oil

Beard Growth Oil

Tame Your Facial Hair

You need beard oil to take the rough hair off your beard. The oil will soften the rough textured facial hair and make it shine as well. Your facial hair will look neater, cleaner, and shinier after using beard oil.

Moisturize The Skin

Beard oil is necessary to prevent the development of dandruff and itching sensation. A few drops of quality beard oil are sufficient to keep the skin hidden under the beard well-moisturized at all times.

Your Beard Will Look Full

Beard oil will soften the hair stands of your beard so they look identical in length and thickness. With identical facial hair strands, your beard will look dense and full.

Beard Oil Smells Good

With beard oil, you can make your facial hair smell good. Also, you can easily choose a fragrance that refreshes your senses.

A few drops of beard oil a day are sufficient to keep your beard in good condition. You will feel comfortable as the oil will keep the skin under your beard well moisturized. There will be no dandruff or itching in your facial hair. Also, your face will smell good.

Also, you can easily choose beard growth oil from the following brands:

Honest Amish Premium Beard Growth Oil

Honest Amish Premium Beard Oil

This brand stands out in the market because of its contents which include sweet almond, virgin argan, golden jojoba, and apricot kernel. It smells good and a few drops of this oil are sufficient to condition your bread so it looks fresh and full. Its natural oils will provide the fastest growth of full and healthy beard hair.

Can You Handlebar Animated Beard Oil

Can You Handlebar Animated Beard Oil

Beard oils are so high in demand that almost every cosmetic company has its beard oil in the market. But there are only a handful of oils that you can rely on for fuller beard growth. You can distinguish a specific product from its ingredients and smell. Here this oil stands out with its signature coffee scent.

Viking Revolution Beard Oil Clary Sage

Viking Revolution Beard Oil Clary Sage

It is good to use beard oil if you love keeping a beard. Just the hair on the head needs nourishment, your beard hair also needs hydration and moisturizer. And using bread … See More

10 Best Yoga Exercises For Kidney Disease

Kidney patients should do the following yoga exercises. These are simple exercises that boost kidney function. If you are suffering from a kidney disease, you should start practicing yoga along with your regular medication. The yoga exercises will stimulate your kidneys so they remain in good health.

Here’re yoga exercises for kidney health

Paschimottanasana Yoga For Kidney Disease

Paschimottanasana For Kidney Disease

It is an ideal asana for kidney patients because it stimulates the kidneys well and improves digestion as well.

How To:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out and spine straight
  • Lengthen your spine, and slowly fold forward from the hips
  • Reach your hands towards your feet, and if possible, hold onto your toes or ankles
  • Keep your gaze forward and hold the pose for 30-60 seconds
  • To release, slowly come back up to a seated position

Salamba Bhujangasana

Salamba Bhujangasana Yoga

It opens the chest and aligns the spine. It also stimulates the kidneys and nervous system.

How To:

  • Lie on your stomach with your legs joined and your hands directly under your shoulders
  • Slowly lift your chest off the ground with the support of your hands firmly placed on the floor
  • Keep your elbows close to your body and your forearms parallel to each other
  • Press your pubic bone into the ground and lift your chest toward the ceiling
  • Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds
  • To release, lower your chest back down to the floor and rest

Pawanmuktasana Yoga For Kidney Disease

Pawanmuktasana Yoga For Kidney Disease

It relieves constipation and associated problems. It also stimulates the reproductive system and boosts overall health.

How To:

  • Lie down on your back with your legs joined and your arms at your sides
  • Bring your knees toward your chest
  • Lift your head towards your knees, bringing your forehead to your knees as much as possible
  • Wrap your arms around your legs and hold onto your shins
  • Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds
  • Release the pose by releasing your legs and lowering your head back down to the floor


Naukasana Yoga

It cures constipation by strengthening abdominal muscles. It addresses digestive disorders and stimulates the pancreas, kidneys, and liver.

How To:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched and joined and your hands by your sides
  • Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, bringing your shins parallel to the floor
  • Extend your arms forward, keeping them parallel to the floor
  • Balance on your sit bones and hold the pose for 30-60 seconds
  • Release the pose by lowering your feet back down to the ground and sitting up

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana

It is a great asana for internal organs as it helps stimulate the kidneys, spleen, and bowels. Practice this asana empty stomach for maximum benefits.

How To:

  • Sit down on the mat with your legs joined and extended
  • Bend your right knee and place your right foot outside your left knee
  • Place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand on the ground
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10 Best Light Summer Lipstick Balms

Which is your light summer lipstick? Summer is the time to go minimal on makeup but you shouldn’t avoid wearing lipstick to prevent heat from dehydrating your lips. I suggest covering your lips with a hydrating balm that improves your look and takes care of your lips as well.

Choosing a lipstick brand is a personal choice but I’ve selected some of the finest lipsticks for your summer makeup. I want you to check these products before making an opinion on them. In my opinion, they are the best brands for choosing light summer lipstick.

Here we go for light summer lipstick ….

RAS Luxury Oils Oh-So-Tinted Liquid Lip Balm In Berry Red

RAS Luxury Oils Oh-So-Tinted Liquid Lip Balm In Berry Red Light Summer Lipstick

Summer is the time when even a thin coat of makeup could feel heavy on the skin. It is for this reason that I suggest this luscious balm for your lips. It is 100% vegan and full of nourishing ingredients that will keep your lips hydrated and nourished in the summer season. What I find more advantageous about this lipstick is its rich color that doesn’t fade even after a long time.

Milani Color Finish Matte The Nudes Collection

Milani Color Finish Matte The Nudes Collection

If you are a fan of nude lipstick then you will certainly like the rich collection of nude lipstick shades by Milani. You can check all six shades launched by the brand and choose one that suits your skin tone. The new shades come with a creamy formula and they offer high pigment and hydration. In other words, the lip color won’t bleed even in high heat and humidity. In my opinion, you should also try a new shade of nude lipstick.

True + Luscious Super Moisture Lipstick

True + Luscious Super Moisture Lipstick

I bet you won’t have used lipstick like this. It glides smoothly and gives a long-lasting and dewy finish. Summer heat can bleed your lipstick but there will be no such fear or apprehension with this super moisture lipstick. It contains hyaluronic acid that makes it more hydrating so your lips look full and beautiful. It is 100% vegan and made cruelty free so everyone can use the lipstick without any inhibitions. You will love its silky touch and hydrating formula.

MAC Love Me Liquid Lipcolour Light Summer Lipstick

MAC Love Me Liquid Lipcolour

Keep reading to shop around for summer lipsticks that are light on your lips. Now I want to draw your attention to this MAC Love Me lipstick and I must say that it is difficult to prevent loving this lip balm. Its nourishing ingredients like argon oil and shea butter give a lacquer finish that no other lipstick can give. Like others, you will also agree that you can also get a rating from 0-100 with this lip color. It is a must-try lipstick in summer.

Dot & Key Lip Sleeping Mask With Vitamin C

Dot & Key Lip Sleeping Mask With Vitamin C

It is a sleeping mask but I know many women who use this lipstick during the day. Also, the name of the product … See More

10 Tested Natural Remedies For Bloating

Bloating is a common problem that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can be uncomfortable and may even be painful & there are several natural remedies for bloating. There are several possible causes of bloating, including:

Overeating: When you eat too much, your stomach may become distended, leading to bloating.

Swallowing air: If you swallow air when you eat or drink, it can accumulate in your digestive tract and cause bloating.

Constipation: When you are constipated, your bowel movements may be infrequent and your stools may be hard and difficult to pass. This can lead to bloating and discomfort.

Food intolerance: Some people may be sensitive to certain foods, such as lactose or gluten, which can cause bloating and other digestive symptoms.

Inflammatory bowel disease: Conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can cause bloating, abdominal pain, and other digestive symptoms.

Causes Of Bloating

To address bloating, some things you can do include:

  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals rather than large meals.
  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly to avoid swallowing air.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and chewing gum, which can increase the amount of air you swallow.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
  • Increase your fiber intake to help prevent constipation.
  • Keep a food diary to help identify any foods that may be causing your bloating.

Suggested Natural & Home Remedies For Bloating

Hing (Asafoetida)


Hing, also known as asafoetida, is a spice that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat digestive issues, including bloating. It is derived from the resin of the Ferula plant and has a pungent aroma and flavor. Hing has anti-inflammatory, anti-flatulent, and antispasmodic properties that can help reduce gas and bloating. To use hing for bloating, you can add a pinch of it to your food while cooking, or dissolve it in warm water and drink it as tea.

Ajwain Is Best Natural Remedies For Bloating

Ajwain Is Natural Remedies For Bloating

Ajwain, also known as carom seeds, is a spice that is commonly used in Indian cuisine and has been used in traditional medicine to treat various digestive issues, including bloating. It has anti-inflammatory, carminative, and antispasmodic properties that can help relieve gas and bloating. Ajwain may also stimulate the digestive system and increase the production of digestive enzymes, which can aid in digestion. To use ajwain for bloating, you can soak a teaspoon of ajwain seeds in water overnight and drink the water in the morning or add a pinch of ajwain powder to your food while cooking.

Elaichi (Cardamom)

Cardamom For Bloating

Elaichi, also known as cardamom, is a spice that is commonly used in Indian cuisine and may help alleviate bloating. It has carminative properties that can help reduce gas and bloating by promoting the expulsion of gas from the digestive system. Elaichi may also improve digestion and increase the production of digestive enzymes. To use elaichi for bloating, you can add a See More