9 Ways To Rejuvenate A Dull And Tired Face
A little dullness on the skin is expected with aging but ignoring your overall health or dull skin treatment could accelerate the dullness very fast. For example, take hydration. If you aren’t drinking enough water, your skin will become dull in the long run.
Skin is the most sensitive part of the body because it reacts to everything happening inside the body. For example, take aging. It is a continuous process and the skin is the best mirror to monitor aging. Your skin tells you whether you are aging faster and provides you an opportunity to slow down the effects of aging on your body.
Let’s discuss the factors for dull skin treatment to get glow on face
A Healthy Diet

You have developed a liking for salty and processed food that enhances tissue swelling with fluid retention. The food you eat is rich in sugar and fat but low in fiber, antioxidants, protein, and essential fatty acids, all major culprits for dull skin. If you switch to healthy eating like adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, you will see a positive change in your skin. It will defy your age and look younger. Also, there is little harm in consuming chips and ice creams as cheat meals once a week.
Hydrate Your Skin

The human body is 70% water and a slight decrease in the watery content of your body could lead to dehydration visible in pale and yellow skin. Also, it isn’t a short-term problem that you can solve by drinking a couple of glasses of water. Senior dermatologists view it as a long-term issue. Consistently failing to give your body the hydration it needs can dull your skin. But it can be improved by keeping your body well hydrated. You need at least eight cups of water a day. But you should avoid beverages with high sugar and caffeine content.
Take Proper Sleep For Dull Skin Treatment

Sleeping time is skin time as it is when your skin repairs and regenerates its cells and tissues. But you should allow your skin enough time to refresh. If your sleeping time is shortened or altered, skin cells and tissues can’t perform at their optimum level. Taking seven to nine hours of sleep daily can improve your complexion. If you can apply a night cream with retinol, it will boost your collagen production while you doze. Or you can wear an extra-nourishing overnight face mask in place of a regular night cream.
De-stress Your Body And Mind

Stress increases the level of the hormone cortisol which negatively affects the blood flow to the skin and cell repair in the long run. If a pressing deadline makes you stressed or you are worried about an argument, it can lead to skin issues. Your skin will appear dull in the long run. Also, stress can interrupt your sleep leading to severe damage to your skin… See More