Abs Workout

Daisy Keech Abs

A strong and toned core is the foundation of a healthy body and a confident you. One fitness influencer who has taken the internet by storm with her incredible physique and effective ab workouts is Daisy Keech.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, Daisy Keech’s ab workouts can help you achieve a stronger, more defined core. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 Daisy Keech ab workouts, including her beginner-friendly routines, lower ab workouts, her signature ab workout routine, and intense ab workouts to help you reach your fitness goals.

Daisy Keech Ab Workout For Beginners

If you’re new to the world of fitness and looking to start your ab transformation journey, Daisy Keech has you covered. Her beginner-friendly ab workout is designed to introduce you to core exercises without overwhelming you. Start with simple exercises like planks, leg raises, and bicycle crunches.

Daisy Keech Ab Workout For Beginners

Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 12-15 reps, gradually increasing the intensity as you become more comfortable. This workout is perfect for those who are just beginning to prioritize their core strength.

Lower Ab Workout

One of the most challenging areas to target is the lower abs. Daisy Keech’s lower ab workout is specifically designed to help you tone and sculpt this troublesome area. Incorporate exercises such as reverse crunches, hanging leg raises, and mountain climbers into your routine.

Lower Ab Workout

These movements will engage your lower abdominal muscles and help you achieve a well-rounded core. Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 12-15 reps, and you’ll start to see results in no time.

Daisy Keech Ab Workout Routine

Daisy Keech’s signature ab workout routine is a combination of various exercises that have helped her achieve her hourglass figure. This routine includes a mix of upper, lower, and oblique exercises to target every part of your core. Some key exercises to include in this routine are Russian twists, flutter kicks, and planks with leg lifts. Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 12-15 reps, and follow Daisy’s routine consistently to achieve a sculpted midsection.

Daisy Keech Hourglass Workout

Daisy Keech Hourglass Workout

Daisy Keech is renowned for her hourglass figure, and her ab workouts play a significant role in achieving this look. To accentuate your curves and strengthen your core, incorporate the hourglass workout into your routine. This workout combines ab exercises with waist-slimming movements. Try exercises like side planks with hip dips, woodchoppers, and standing side leg lifts. By working on both your abs and obliques, you can enhance your hourglass shape.

Daisy Keech Intense Ab Workout

For those looking to take their ab game to the next level, Daisy Keech’s intense ab workout is the ultimate challenge. This high-intensity routine includes advanced exercises like dragon flags, hanging windshield wipers, and weighted Russian twists. Prepare to feel the burn as you push your limits and work toward a rock-solid core. Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 8-10 reps, focusing on quality over quantity, and remember to maintain proper form to avoid … See More

Flatten Your Tummy With These Exercises

A flat tummy won’t be like a dream come true when you know what to do to keep your belly free from unnecessary and excess fat. You have put on fat around your stomach because whatever workout you do, don’t work for the flat tummy.

How To Burn Belly Fat?

Burn Belly Fat

Exercising is the right way to melt fat but some areas, especially the belly require special attention. Stubborn belly fat doesn’t go with regular exercises. You need to focus on specific muscles to burn belly fat and get strong abs.

Here’re the muscles that you need to focus on:

Pelvic Floor Muscles: They support internal organs like the bladder, uterus, and intestines.

Transverse And Rectus Abdominis: These are “six packs” muscles crucial for stability and functional movements including hinging, bending, and twisting.

Internal And External Obliques: These muscles strengthen trunk rotation and support respiration.

Erector Spinae: This muscle makes a stronger foundation for rotations. It also strengthens the spine.

These are the four muscles you need to focus on if you are serious about losing your belly fat. Also, there is little to worry about exercises as there are plenty of activities that can help flatten your belly and strengthen your core.

The good thing about these exercises is they can be practiced in a home environment and without any weight. Also, they can be practiced any time of the day.

Plank Workout For Flat Tummy

Plank Reach

Plank Reach Exercise

  • Come down in a plank position
  • Stretch your hands and legs stretched
  • Bring your legs, back, and neck in a line to start
  • Raise your right hand and take a step ahead and bring it back
  • Repeat it with your left hand and then with your right hand
  • Try to keep your back stable while doing the exercise
  • Try to increase the speed and reps of the activity
  • You will feel a little pressure on the abdominal muscles

Forearm Plank

Forearm Plank Workout For Flat Tummy

  • Come down in the plank position
  • Flex your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms
  • Keep your body in a straight line
  • Your legs should be stretched and resting on your toes
  • You can keep your palms flat on the floor or make fists
  • Now brace your core as much as you can
  • Try to hold the position for at least 30 seconds and release
  • It is one set completed
  • Do 5 sets daily

High Plank

High Plank Workout

  • Come down in the plank position
  • Your hands should be directly under your shoulders and stretched
  • Stretch your legs as well
  • Your legs, back, and neck should make a straight line
  • Keep your feet together and bum tight
  • Stretch your hands a little to start
  • Brace your core for 30 seconds
  • Release the position to complete one set
  • Do 5 sets of high plank regularly

Side Plank

Side Plank Workout For Flat Tummy

  • Come down in the plank position
  • First, turn to your right for the side plank
  • Put your right forearm on the floor and bring the rest of the
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