A Low Cholesterol Diet For Your Heart Health

A low cholesterol diet doesn’t mean tasteless food. On the contrary, it turns out to be mouth-watering. Also, you don’t need a doctor’s prescription or advice to start a healthy diet. If you are worried about your health, especially your heart then you should adhere to a diet that is both mouthwatering and heart-healthy.

Low Cholesterol Diet

Low cholesterol diet benefits include controlling the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol isn’t inherently bad as it helps digest fatty foods, create hormones, and build cells. Your heart pumps cholesterol in the bloodstream. Also, the food you eat adds to your cholesterol level.

Foods especially animal products like meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy are rich sources of cholesterol. Leading a poor lifestyle is a major cause of high cholesterol, but sometimes high cholesterol is inherited. In both situations, you are at high risk of heart problems. But things can be changed with a heart healthy low cholesterol diet.

Here are 10 heart healthy and delicious low cholesterol diet



An average person needs at least 25 grams of fiber per day to decrease their LDL levels. A cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber. Strawberries contain polyphenols that are good for the cardiovascular system. Blueberries have a great circulation-boosting effect on blood vessels. Bananas can remove excess cholesterol from your digestive system. Apple skins contain the phenolic compound that boosts cellular function and maintains blood flow. Add these fruits to your low cholesterol diet plans.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Leafy Vegetables

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