Back To In Your Perfect Shape With Inner Thigh Workout

The inner thigh area can be a serious anxiety detector for many people. It’s an area that tends to advance itself to fat collection and is over there with the lower belly and upper arms. Inner thigh workout is best for that fit enthusiastic person.

While reducing fat through diet and exercise is your good bet for shaping your Inner thigh and for other body part, keeping the muscles strong will still give you that nice spare look.

Here are some effective exercises to target this inner thigh workout area.

Sumo Squat

Sumo Squat Exercise

How to:

  1. Set your bases out wide, turning toes out to about the 10:00 and 2:00 positions. Hold a dumbbell for added resistance.
  2. Keep your chest up high, and then bend your knees, keeping your knees pointed out over toes. As you come up out of the sumo squat, squeeze your abs, glutes, and inner thigh.
  3. Do everyday 2 sets of 12 – 15 reps.

Side lunge Inner Thigh Workout

Side lunge Inner Thigh Workout

How to:

  1. Stand tall with your feet together. Hold a dumbbell at your chest for added resistance.
  2. Step out with your right leg and begin transferring your hips back as you bend with the help of your right knee. During the descent, your knee shouldn’t move more than about 2 inches beyond your toes and you should keep your knee aligned between your second and third toe.
  3. Push off with your right leg to return to a standing position.
  4. Repeat on the left leg to complete 1rep.
  5. Do 2 sets everyday of 12 – 15 reps.

Curtsy Lunge

Curtsy Lunge Exercise

How to:

  1. Stand tall with the help of your feet together.
  2. Step your right leg behind the left, bending both knees and pulling both knees slightly toward the midline to squeeze your inner thigh workout.
  3. As you stand to exit the curtsy lunge, you can either tap your right foot or lift the knee for a greater intensity and challenge your balance.
  4. Repeat on the right side for 10 – 12 reps.
  5. Repeat on the left side, and do an extra set on each side.

Skater Inner Thigh Workout

Skater Inner Thigh Workout

How to:

  1. Stand with the help of your feet together, knees slightly flexed, and engaged your abdominals.
  2. Push off with your right leg to hop to your left, allowing yourself to leave the floor on the way.
  3. As you land on your left leg, cross your right leg slightly behind, in a small curtsy lunge, depended forward at the hip.
  4. Return to the right side with a small hop to complete the first full step.

You can do these faster as further of a power move with a strong cardio effect or go slightly slowly with emphasis on range of your motion. Either way, you’ll strengthen your inner thigh workout along with your glutes and abdominals.

Side-Lying Adduction

Side-Lying Adduction

How to:

  1. Lie on the floor on one side with your top leg bent and dropped forward, supporting your top leg with a pillow for comfort if necessary.
  2. Extend your nethermost leg long. Keep hips piled as you lift your bottom leg, engaging your abdominals as you lift and lower your leg.
  3. Do 15 – 20 reps before switching to the other side and repeating. Do everyday 2 sets on each side.

Single Leg Deadlift Inner Thigh Workout

Single Leg Deadlift Inner Thigh Workout

The supported single-leg deadlift is preface for people who have a challenging time performing a full single-leg deadlift. It also helps you to understand how to do a hip hinge before just going into a full single-leg deadlift.

How to:

  1. Start standing on your left leg with a weight in your right hand, win facing toward thigh and left arm by side.
  2. Step right leg a many bases behind body, lift heel, and press right toes into the bottom for balance. Keep the left leg slightly in bend position.
  3. Lean to forward, hanging at the hips with a flat reverse while lowering the weight toward the bottom.
  4. Drive into the left heel to return to the standing position. That’s one rep.

Resistance Band Lateral Step Out Squat Inner Thigh Workout

Resistance Band Lateral Step Out Squat Inner Thigh Workout

This is a great move to spark the glutes. You could integrate this into your prologue to get the glutes actuated and work through that thickset range of stir.

How to:

  1. Stand up straight with a resistance band wrapped just below your knees. Clasp hands in front of your chest.
  2. Take a big step to the right, and bend your knees, sit back, and lower until thighs are always parallel to the ground.
  3. Engage glutes and press back over through heels to your starting position. Repeat on the other side. That would be one rep.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks Workout

Jumping jacks are my all-time favorite. You do not need outfit or collaboration, there is no impact, and it’s a great way to warm the body up and get the heart rate going.

How to:

  1. Start standing with hands by your sides.
  2. Jump legs open, slightly wider than hip- distance, while bringing hands up above.
  3. Jump legs back together and arms down by sides. That is one rep.

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